Hopital de la Fondation Pro-Famille

Non-Gov Organization

All services offered:
- first responders (Pre-hospital Emergency Rescue and Transportation)
- 24 hour emergency services
- 24 hour inpatient hospital
- prenatal/postnatal care
- pediatric specialty services
- nutrition programs
- community health prevention
- primary care clinic
- mobile medical clinic
- lab services
- dental services
- vision services
- pharmacy
- accept short term medical teams
- cholera
- diabetes
- malaria
- secondary care hospitals
- primary care hospitals
Except emergencies 24 hours pwe dayOffer training for midwives and healthcare workerscervical cancer screening
Except emergencies 24 hours pwe dayOffer training for midwives and healthcare workerscervical cancer screening
relinkglobalhealth.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.