Biomedical Engineering Technology Aid (BETA) International
Non-Gov Organization
Nord, Ouest, Sud
All services offered:
- medical equipment repair services
BETA is currently active in Haiti and Tanzania. Our ultimate goal is to enhance health care technology in countries identified by the World Health Organization as having high rates of nonfunctional medical equipment (sometimes over 80%), by: Improving the availability of functioning medical equipment through donations, repair, and maintenance; Training local biomedical technologists and engineers to repair and maintain medical equipment properly; Facilitating local academic training programs that are self-sustaining and adaptive to new medical technologies; Updating local biomedical technologists to instruct medical staff on proper care and use of medical devices; Collaborating with local providers to offer secure accommodations to volunteers, and to partner with other organizations providing technical training and repair services.
USA Address: 4916 sw 31st Dr Portland OR 97239
BETA is currently active in Haiti and Tanzania. Our ultimate goal is to enhance health care technology in countries identified by the World Health Organization as having high rates of nonfunctional medical equipment (sometimes over 80%), by: Improving the availability of functioning medical equipment through donations, repair, and maintenance; Training local biomedical technologists and engineers to repair and maintain medical equipment properly; Facilitating local academic training programs that are self-sustaining and adaptive to new medical technologies; Updating local biomedical technologists to instruct medical staff on proper care and use of medical devices; Collaborating with local providers to offer secure accommodations to volunteers, and to partner with other organizations providing technical training and repair services.
USA Address: 4916 sw 31st Dr Portland OR 97239
relinkglobalhealth.orgprovides information and in no way suggests care or endorses any provider.